In this article, we will learn how to pass data between different mobile screens in Android.
Sharing Data b/w Activities
Sending Data from Activity to Fragment
Sending Data from Fragment to Activity
Sharing Data b/w Fragments
Sharing Data b/w Activities :
As discussed in the Intent Article, the data can be passed from one activity to another using the intent object, which is used to communicate between components.
//first parameter is the tag that helps us identify data
//second parameter is the data that needs to be passed
//first parameter is the tag that helps us identify data
//second parameter is the default value
Sending Data from Activity to Fragment :
As discussed in the Fragment Article, the data can be passed from one activity to another using the bundle object.
//needs to be executed before committing the fragment transaction
val bundle = Bundle() //creating an object of Bundle class
bundle.putInt("position",position) //passing the tag & data
fragment.arguments = bundle //binding the bundle to the fragment
arguments?.getInt("position",0) //tag & default value is passed
Sending Data from Fragment to Activity :
As discussed in the Fragment Article, the data can be passed from one activity to another using the object of the corresponding activity.
Sending Data with Activity Object
val mainActivity : MainActivity = activity as MainActivity
//creating the object of MainActivity
//calling the function on the object of mainActivity
//passing the data as parameters
//(activity as MainActivity).gettingData(userName,userAge)
//user-defined function of our activity class
fun gettingData(userName : String, userAge : Int){
//used to receive data from fragment
val name : String = "Name: $userName"
val age : String = "Age: $userAge"
Sharing Data b/w Fragments :
Sharing Data b/w Fragments can also be achieved using the Bundle Class.
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putInt("name",username) //passing the tag & data
val secondFragment = SecondFragment()
secondFragment.arguments = bundle
//... commit transaction
val name : String = arguments?.getString("name").toString()